Thursday, March 3, 2016

Rays of Sunshine

The sun streams through the one window not covered by blankets. 

My farmer is finishing up chores. 
The farm boy has come in to play guitar and unwind before he heads to school.
How that boy is changing. 
He is shaking off the ways of this world;
letting of of the anger and hurt. 

Reaching for the holy and true. 
Slowly the sharp edges are becoming smooth. 
A bit of grace on the farm. 
The milk checks grow thinner. 
The transition date seems miles away. 
The cold settles in. 
Much to lead to the path of discouragement. 
It's test day. 
And I don't know what to feel. 
I don't know how to pray. 
So I step to gratitude. 
Because when all else falls around you, there is still praise. 
There is still a world of hope. 
The sun shining through the window as the wind whips and howls reminds me of the power of light in the darkness. 
Only a small light is needed to pierce the empty, cold space. 
May you see streams of light in your day today. 

Illuminating the dark places. 
Bringing sweet peace and strength. 

The verse today from the Incourage Twitter:
"Prayer is the portal that brings the power of heaven down to earth"
(Fervent, pg 5)

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