Tuesday, June 10, 2014

We Can Only Change the Future

She posts this picture.
It's her Anniversary.

The tears just flow.
I can't recall ever seeing this picture.
This dear friend left for adventures and excitement out of New England soon after her wedding. 
Oh how life was back then.
24 years ago.
It wasn't perfect. 
But there is an ache.
For the way things used to be. 
For my son. 
For my mom and dad. 
For my friend; the miles that separate us. 
I was so honored to be her maid of honor. 
How I adored her. 
She was beautiful; her spirit soft and gentle. 
She wasn't rough around the edges like I am. 
She was like my cousin. 
Both women I admire greatly.
To see this picture reminds me of all our hopes and dreams back then.
She, now living in Alaska, raising 7 children and homeschooling.
Living with 2 children with Cystic Fibrosis.
Clinging to God's promises.
The oldest a testimony to, medical technology,  healthy eating, self care and grace.
Not taking a moment of this life for granted.
She journals here at Northerncffamily.
24 years is a long time.
So much has happened.
I sometimes long to go back with the knowledge I have now.
There are many things I would do differently.
But then I wouldn't be who I am today if I hadn't had those experiences..
I can only change the future. 
I want to love more.
Use softer words.
Appreciate better.
Extend mercy.
Share the amazing grace found in Jesus Christ.
I won't get it right all of the time.
But I can try. 
Not for me; but for God.
Because He is all we need.
One act of kindness.
One gentle word.
That's all it takes.
One moment at a time.

Micah 6:8
He has told you, O man, what is good;
    and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,[a]
    and to walk humbly with your God?


  1. I can't read that verse from Micah without hearing the praise song. And now I want to go back to our high school years. Be nicer, not so selfish and jealous and defensive . . . You are so right about the future. We can be those things now; we can tell our kids what we know now. So much love.

  2. Love that picture! Some great folks in it. :)
