Monday, June 9, 2014

Turning Monday Around

I start complaining before I open my eyes. 
The birds are so loud. 
My shoulder hurts. 
It's burning. 
I need Advil.
I need coffee.
I need the Ancient Word.

But that means I have to get up. 
I am so bone weary tired. 
I need coffee; 
(I think I have already mentioned that)
which I didn't prepare like I usually do. 
Because I was so tired. 
I just want to sleep in; have no agenda for the day. 
No cows, calves to feed, milking, haying, laundry, book work, rides, school, schedules. 
I roll over. 
I usually wake handing the day over to God. 
Thanking him, no matter what, for the blessings. 
Today they are not coming. 
The sinking feeling of all is not well, is heavy on my heart. 
I roll out of bed. 
I trip on stuff on the floor. 
My room is a mess. 
I haven't been home long enough to accomplish anything. 
I make coffee. 
 I wait. 
The air feels heavy. 
I haven't looked at a weather forecast. 
It feels like it's going to be hot. 
My shoulder continues to ache. 
I head to take some Advil. 
There is none. 
Another reminder of all that I haven't done.
I have to take Tylenol.
I have got to go to the store. 
The list a mile long. 
Always something that needs to be done. 
All I want to do is crawl back in bed. 
Where memories can't hurt. 
Where the stabbing pain doesn't linger. 
What will that accomplish?
Messes will linger.
I will continue to trip over things. 
And I may miss the beauty or the blessing available for the day
We need to look. 
Have eyes wide open to see the glory God will display. 
At the races yesterday, I glanced out over the beautiful creation God has bestowed on us. 
Looking for beauty is work. 
It is pushing aside all that bogs down. 

Continuing to count a 1,000 gifts . . .again.

Beautiful landscapes
Rides with the son
Deep breaths
Days at the races
Time at the river with the girls and a spontaneous visit with a friend
Seeing other friends out walking on the property enjoying the day
borrowed trucks
Daughters snuggled on the couch
Haying continuing even though we took the day off
Farmers helping farmers
Family living all around us
The art of counting the blessings
The heart that changes when it is touched by mercy and grace
Turning this Monday around. 

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