Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Living Day to Day

The sun is shining.
Its streaks illuminate my space. 
Shadows dance as the breeze plays with the leaves.

It is almost 90 degrees out today. 
Unseasonably warm.
I wait to feel the warmth. 
My soul longs for relief from this grief.
I run to the LORD.
A repeat of yesterday is not part of the plan. 

The site where Elijah met Jesus is littered with flowers long gone by.

 The area needs to be cleaned.
I don't want to.
It reminds me that time is moving on.
I wait to do this task.
When I finally do, I am met with the sweetest of  grace.
 A friend, that I do not see except in decades,who too knows the searing loss of a child, stops.
She comes and quietly helps.
Another friend stops.
We 3 pray standing there at the pole.
I have not done this.
This simple act.
It soothes my soul to stand there and I feel God's presence.
I don't know why he called Elijah home.
I miss him.
Oh, how I miss him.

This is the sunrise in the wee hours after Elijah had gone home. . .
I never saw the heart in the sky. Someone had to point it out.
But it's there.
Heaven was rejoicing as my spirit was groaning.
And there was an earthly display in the skies. . .

My trust in God's plan is greater than anything else.
And I will feel the heat of this day,
I will sing praises. I will step forward.

Matthew 11:28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

And I can cry with hope and can say goodbye with hope.


  1. I am amazed that you could visit the place where Elijah left this world and clean up the flowers that have gone by. I thought about it as I drove by and admit that I did not want to think about what happened there. Yet, as you did this loving act for Elijah and the community who drives by, God met you there and gave you support of others. You are courageous even though you don't know it. You bless us with sharing your thoughts and this journey. Love to you, Gary, Chelsea, Clarissa, Cedric, Anna, and Ella in Jesus' name, Martha F.

  2. God gives us strength beyond what we ever could have imagined before our child died. I love that song "With Hope". The pictures of your land are beautiful. God seems so evident there.

    With Hope,

  3. In the picture you took of the heart in the sky, notice the heart is broken on the left, but on the right is a cross. Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father. He binds up the broken hearted.
    Jesus loves you.
