Tuesday, March 18, 2014

When You're Behind Before The Day Has Even Started

The dishwasher hums because I forgot to start it last night. 
The washing machine whirls because for some reason it stopped full of water. 
Sometimes our water pressure isn't strong enough and it will stop mid cycle. 
So I start the dishwasher, get the washing machine going. 
And I already feel behind. 
There is laundry and a bag to fill.
There is quiet to find and bills to pay; children to teach, a farmer to love. 
We all have the pull of the urgent. 
The feeling of being behind. 
We are defeated before we even start.
Steven Curtis Chapman's song comes to mind. 
Do everything you do, to the glory of the One who made you. 

I Corinthians 10:31
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you 
do, do it all for the glory of God.

He's a genius for writing that song. He gets it.
Intentional living before the throne of God. 
Everything you do today is Holy. Every act. Every choice. 
It is all for His glory. 

Stop. Breathe. Let it all go. 
Give it all to the One for whom we live. 
Every e-mail you send, paper you write,
 diaper you change, business deal you seal. . . it's all for Him. 
I am choosing joy. Every piece of laundry I fold I will give Him glory. 

I will rejoice. 

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the LORD has made. 
We will rejoice and be glad in it

Look for ways to steal back the joy that has slipped away. Stand. On the solid ground. 
The ground that even when it shakes violently, you are able to remain standing. 
I will choose joy.

I will face the enemy with the Ancient Word

This day will be about searching for the joy where it is often not found. 
Seeking for holy in the work that feels the least holy. 
Yielding to the flow of the day; but not bowing to the pressure. 
As my dad used to say, 

Everything we do today will be for the Glory of the One who made us. 


  1. I'm sure you know the story of "I'm building a cathedral!"...the story of the three masons who answer the question 'What are you doing?' The first says, "I'm chipping rocks", the second says "I'm shaping stone blocks to build a wall", and the third looks skyward and says "I am building a cathedral!". You are building a cathedral in your family. Sometimes that means the sink gets piled with dishes, the shirts may be dirty, and there is writing in the dust, BUT our families are cathedrals of love, faith, and support standing in midst of it all! Keep building!

    1. That is such a great perspective. I love thinking of our families as cathedrals. I have heard of looking at our home as holy ground. . . So adding the family as cathedrals is beautiful imagery.
