Friday, October 4, 2013

What Does Peace Look Like Today?

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. 
I do not give to you as the world gives.
 Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Isn't that what we all want?
Trouble in Syria, Government shut downs, irate workers wielding guns.
A world gone mad.
Where is there Peace?
One party against another. . .each one placing blame.
Where does one turn?

My son is home with the LORD. 
His body returned to the ground;
never to touch or hear his voice again this side of eternity. 
We wait for a call for biopsy results. 
I have much to be anxious about. 
Yet I have peace, sweet peace.

For 66 days I have poured out my grief in my writing.
I have shared what God has been doing in my journey.
My journey is far from over.
I am reminded each day as I pass his room. . .when I see his car in the driveway. . .his wallet. . .the clothes still on the floor. . .his drum set. . .what we have lost.
. . .

And I miss him. 

So as the world rages out of control around us.
My peace does not look like what the world has to offer.
It is the knowledge that all is in God's hands.
I rest in Him and Him alone. 
And once again I surrender all I am.
To Him.

I don't know what the future looks like for us.
But I do know who holds the future. 

"My One Defense, my righteousness,
Oh God, how I need you."
Jesus you're my hope and stay. . .


  1. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. Resting in this with you today, Tammy. Thank you. Praying for Gary at the most random times - whenever I am led. The other day it was in the car on the way to Target!


    1. Thank you Amy. It is encouraging to know how many are praying for us. We do feel it. Sometimes when it overwhelming. . .it feels like someone is holding us. Thank you for praying. . .even on the way to Target! We don't have one here. . .

  2. Praying for you. You made me think about my granddaughters memorial service when one of our friends sang acapella Jesus hold your tomorrows. May you be filled with Gods grace.

    1. Thank you. Such sweet grace from so many. Today has been hard. We appreciate the prayers.

  3. Yes. We do not know how the future will unfold but we can rest in knowing who holds the future. Love, Em
