Monday, January 13, 2014

What Seemed So Insignificant

I finger the berries.
 Frozen berries with the wordspicked July 30, written on the bag.

The day of Elijah's wake.
 I remember the man walking in and bringing them. 
A stranger. Drawn in.
 Knowing the tragedy. Wanting to help.
 He looked around. He saw what was left of a red headed, well loved boy;
his life laid out in piles in the parlor of those who have gone before him.
Memories, pictures, graduation hat and gown.

 A life interrupted suddenly
 He handed me the berries. He left. 
I finger those berries and I make a smoothie for my farmer.
A smoothie packed with last summers glow.
 Berries picked after the spirit of our son had traveled home.
Berries filled with antioxidants to help fight off cancer's glare.
I can't help but think of last summers glow in a bag.
Life frozen in a bag; giving life to my farmer.

I close my eyes and think back to the day.
I remember much and I remember very little.
A protective shield about me.
Protecting my heart from the searing pain.

But I remember the berries; brought by a stranger.
I throw off the weight.
It is easy to bow under pressure.
I don't want to break.

God knew I would need the berries.
He knew my farmer would need summers bounty to endure this dark winter season.

That stranger a vessel for God's healing power.
 So with berries picked after Elijah journeyed home and protein powder
 Elijah had bought while he was still here,
 I do the one thing I can.

If bringing berries became such a significant thing.
In what other ways is God nudging us to minister to others?
 Little ways.
Ways that may seem insignificant. But reap a harvest of righteousness.

James 3 17-18
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.

We need to yield and be open to the ways God will nudge.
What may seem so insignificant to us, may be of great magnitude to another.
 To affect change is to be the catalyst.
We need to live in such a way that we are available to be used. 
Shake off the distractions and the pull of the unnecessary; step toward the fulfillment
in a life surrendered in obedience.
 In obedience to the only way that really matters.

With out you, I fall apart.
You're the One that guides my heart.
Lord I need you , Oh I need you. 

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