Wednesday, November 12, 2014

No Amount Of Scrubbing Will Change What Has Happened Day #12 of Thankfulness

The sun shone through the windows casting rainbows everywhere.
Two little girls that were visiting, valiantly tried to catch them. 
Such a beautiful day. 
That sun, streaming through the windows though, showed the dirt and grime.
A reminder of all I have neglected through months of cancer and grief. 
I stifled the self pity and pulled out the paper towels.
I washed with a vengeance. 
I wiped away dirt and spider webs. 
No matter how hard I try. 
I can not wipe away my circumstances. 
They are here to stay. 
Embracing the journey is the only way. 
I continue to see the dirt that has accumulated. 
I haven't had eyes to see. 
It's like our souls. 
We think we're good. 
We deserve better. 
Why is God allowing these things to come into our lives?
Event after event that brings us to our knees. 
When we have eyes to see how broken we are, we can allow
 the Grace of the Holy to wash over us. 
To change us. 

Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: 
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

All that happens is filtered through His fingers first. 
He sees, He knows. 
He is there. 
Longing for us to reach out and listen. 

Psalm 46:10
He says, "Be still, and know that I am God;
 I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

Stop the hurried and the chaos. 
He is calling.
He will answer. 
I continue to scrub. 
One step each day. 
Taking my eyes of myself. 
Looking to see where I can serve others. 
Every moment. 

30 Days of Thankfulness~

I am thankful for:
The sunshine and warmth of the day
A friend who stops me in my tracks to go for a walk - it was so liberating
Deep breaths that fill my heart with the Holy Spirit
Laundry flapping in the wind
a farmer that fixes my car and there is no leaking hoses any more
conversations with my children around the dinner table-
a table that misses it's oldest boy
perseverance learned in the struggle
warm sunshine on my face
soft breezes
homemade macaroni and cheese to fill our bellies
the delight in watching cows in a field
the small things that bring joy
17 years with my red head
technology that allows us to have his music, testimony, and pictures
this life's journey, this is not all there is, there is much more to come
a steaming cup of hot coffee
all of you who read 
the solid ground on which I stand

Will you take a few moments to sit and listen. 
Let the words fall over you.
Remember, God calls us calls us by name. 
He is there. 
Be still.

The Fray
Be Still

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